You may have seen the LGBTQ community supporters with rainbow pride flags. However, this is not the only one that shows the community’s pride, but there are many more you perhaps do not know about? If you want to know about some of the most common pride flags, reading this post until the end can be helpful for you. It incorporates the list of the different types of flags that carry their different significance. Navigate until the end to learn more. Here we go!

What Does LGBTQ Stand For?

The acronym LGBTQ refers to lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and queer. They either represent the sexual orientation or behavior of a person or their gender. These people decided to come under one flag, which gives the voice to the inception of the pride flags. They have united these people as one to stand against all the odds and circumstances they needed to face in their day-to-day life. The community celebrates pride month in June every year. However, there is a history behind this celebration in June month related to the protest of the police raid on a gay club in Greenwich Village. 

Pride Flags

The Inception of the Pride Flags

Pride month gained immense popularity among people having similar interests after the Stonewall riots. On developing deeper, you will get to know that pride month was started by bisexual activist Brenda Howard. For organizing the gay pride week, she is also referred to as the “The Mother of Pride.” Pride day is celebrated on June 28, when LGBT community people gather every year to honor this day.

The rolling out of the rainbow flag is also associated with the pride month celebration. A gay politician Harvey Milk requested one of his close friends, Gilbert Baker, to design a symbol that can enclose all the sentiments and aspirations of the LGBTQ people. As requested, Gilbert designed the rainbow flag incorporating eight colors, each having its own significance. It was the first flag that represented the community to a widespread region. Later, many more came into being. 

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Different Types of The Flags And Significance They Hold?

Now that we know how the first flag came into being. Many people out there don’t even know any other except Gilbert’s flag. However, here is your chance to explore them all. 

1: Gilbert Baker Pride Flag

This one was one of the first pride flags of its kind and the most popular ones to date. Its inception dates back to 1978 when Harvey Milk, a gay elected official in California, gave his voice to Gilbert to design this flag. It was the first time when people of the LGBTQ community gathered under one icon with the hope of their promising future. This flag earlier consisted of 8 colors. However, later Gilber removed the pink color from the top of the flag, limiting it to the seven colors for their different depictions. This major change occurred in 1978 and sustained till 1999. 

2: Rainbow Pride Flag

The early eradication of the pink color from the original color was about to undergo one more major change. It was the removal of the turquoise color from the seven-color flag to facilitate the bulk production of the pride flags. Their demands were touching the sky. Organizations and other institutions started using the flags to show that they offer a safe and respectful place for the people of the LGBT community. Thus, the rainbow color came into being with the six colors it has today. 

3: Progress Pride Flag

It is the other type of pride flag that has the element of Philly’s version of the pride flag. The black and brown color stripes in the flag represent racial equality, and the rest are the Trans stripes for demonstrating the pride of the transgender people. There are many more on the list. However, these flags carry the greatest significance of all times. 

Importance Of Pride Parades

The pride parade occurs in pride month, which is in June. It is not merely a day to celebrate but also spread awareness among the people about the history and struggles of the people. LGBT people are always prone to unreasonable discrimination. This practice has not stopped to date, especially in developing countries like India. These parades indicate that all people are equal and share equal rights. Not only in public places, but they have to face conflicts and rejections in their own family. It makes them prone to drug abuse and other detrimental conditions. This is why a worldwide commitment to eliminate this sexual preference-based prejudice and discrimination is needed. 

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Pride Month Celebration In India

Pride month in India is celebrated with great enthusiasm like any other part of the world. India is not as open as the other countries and has some pressing issues for the people of the LGBT community. However, people are gradually being aware of their rights and entitlements, leaving behind regressive thoughts. To celebrate Pride month, people from different parts of the country gather together with their pride flags and cheer their pride and freedom. 

The best thing about this celebration is that anyone can be a part of it. You can be a part of it without needing to be one from the LGBT community. Also, you can get an opportunity to take a closer look at the people, socially deprived yet happy in their community.

Other LGBT Events

Apart from pride month, there are various events that LGBTQ communities celebrate nationwide and worldwide. For instance, Gay Games have started in 1982 and are celebrated after every four years across the globe. The main intent of these games is to celebrate the sexual diversities among several communities. 

Every year on May 17, people across the globe celebrate International Day Against Homophobia. This event aims at spreading awareness among the homophobic (those who are afraid of same-gender sexuality) people that LGBT people are no different than them. 

Final Words

The struggle of the LGBT people dates back centuries. Even after worldwide recognition of these people, the discrimination against them can be seen in one form or the other. This is why it is necessary to present a humane gesture to them and understand that they stand the equal rights to live with respect in society. The pride flags deliver the same message of hope, respect, and equality for people having different sexual preferences.