If you are a true book lover, then this post will tell you about some of the most popular genres of books. Books have so much to offer to their readers. However, there are several genres of the book to choose from. If you are constantly reading books without recognizing their genres, then you need to learn about the genres. It can help you to discover your true taste and find the best books for the readings. In this post, you can find a list of the most loved genres of books. Let’s proceed further!

List Of The Most Popular Book Genres 

Let’s now discuss some of the most read book genres that can help you to know your books more closely.

1: Action and Adventure

In the first place, we have chosen the Action and Adventure book genre. This genre is liked by almost every reader as you may not get bored when reading them. In these books, you will always find the protagonists surrounded by high-risk situations. The main characters are always in a run to attain their ultimate goal. During this journey, you can experience the roller-coaster ride of exciting moments. Life of Pie, The Call of The Wild, and The Three Musketeers are some of the classic examples of the Action and Adventure genre. 

2: Detective and Mystery

If you love reading mystery stories and want to apply your brain to find the criminal as the story proceeds, then detective and mystery can be the most suitable genre for you. In this genre, the plot revolves around a crime that the protagonist aims to solve. This is one of the most-read genres of books. The Night Fire, And Then There Were None, and The Adventures Of Sherlock Holmes are some of the most famous detective books.

3: Romance

If you can feel the love in the air, then you can feel every single word of a romantic book. Books of the romantic genre can make your heart warm. The reach of this fiction work is very extensive, and there are a variety of sub-genres that include: steamier erotica, historical, contemporary romance, paranormal story, and several others. Royal Holiday, Brazen, and the Beast, and The Savior are some of the best Romantic stories you need to read. 


4: Horror

Horror is one of the most liked genres of books that has a huge reader base. Stories of this genre can cause fear and discomfort to the readers as well as the characters. These stories have paranormal or supernatural elements that can evoke the fear lying deep down inside you. Stephen King is one of the most horrendous books you may read. Carrie, The Haunting Of Hill House, and Bird Box are some of the spine-chilling books you may read. 

5: Classics

Classics is that book genre that tells stories that are around for decades but seems relevant and impactful for generations. These are the big hits at the time of their publishing. However, their impact remains the same with the passage of time. These stories also become the inspiration for the many writers we are reading today. Beloved, Little Women, and To Kill A Mockingbird are some of the best classics genre books. 

6: Fantasy

Fantasy is one of those genres of books that takes the readers to an imaginary world. The main elements of these stories are magic, supernatural, and mythology. If you are looking for some of the best books from this genre, then books like Circe, Ninth House, and The Water Dance will not disappoint you. 

7: Historical Fiction

Historical Fiction tells stories that are based in a time period set in the past decades. These stories revolve around the backdrop of real historical events. However, it can be dictionary stories, and you may not expect everything to be factually correct. The Help, Memoirs Of A Geisha, and One Hundred Years Of Solitude are some of the books that can quench your thirst for reading the historical fiction genre.

8: Comic Book or Graphic Novel

Comic books of the Graphic novels are the illustrated stories with the help of the engaging sequential narrative art. It uses the illustration and typography presented in a traditional panel layout. You can see the characters in action and read dialogues given in balloon boxes. The Walking Dead: Compendium One and the Watchmen are some of the most loved comic books you can read. 

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9: Literary Fiction

Literary fiction is one of the broadest genres of books that encompasses many other themes. These stories can evoke deep thoughts and offer personal or social commentary on a specific theme. Some of the best stories of literary fiction are Where The Crawdad Sings and Olive, Again. 

10: Science Fiction (Sci-Fi)

Science fiction and fantasy genres of books are often considered to be the same. However, the significant difference between them is that science fiction is based on future science and technology. You may find aliens, apocalypse, life on another planet, and several other futuristic stories. The Hunger Games Trilogy, 1984, and The Testaments are some of the popular books you can read to explore this genre of books. 

11: Short Stories

The Short Story genre has many of the genres you may find here. Short stories are shorter than novels. However, they are complete brief prose. The stories run with a specific theme and include a series of brief scenes. These stories can consist of several genres of books, such as horror, romance, historical, and several others. This Is How You Lose Her and Florida are some of the best short stories you may read to develop your reading habit for this genre. 

12: Suspense and Thrillers

People often get confused between Suspense and Mystery. However, these two are different genres of books. In the suspense and thriller genre, the main aim of the protagonist is to stop and defeat the villain to save their life. Contrarily, a suspense story includes the revelation of a crime. Thriller stories include deception to promote the suspense until the end of the book. The Guardians, Gone Girl, and The 19th Christmas are some of the most sold books of this genre. 

13: Biographies and Autobiographies

Biographies and Autobiographies include the official details or a person’s life span. Biographies are written by the authors on the life of a renowned person. On the other hand, autobiographies are written by the subjects themselves to share some untouched portion of their life with the readers. You may read books like I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings, Me, and Frida from this popular genre. 

14: CookBooks

If you are a real foodie, then cookbooks have so much to offer for you. These books contain an appetizing collection of recipes that you can try at home. 

Final Words

This post describes some of the most popular genres of books that you may like as a reader. If you love reading books of a specific genre, then the books suggested in this post can be worth your read. If you like this post and need more from us, visit our blog section.