Compared to conventional centrifugal juicers, cold press juicers are a significant investment but aren’t cheap. Cold press juicer uses a masticating process to efficiently and slowly extract the juice from vegetables and fruits. If you are not a big fan of fruits and vegetables, then you can prepare healthy juices. However, there are overwhelming brands of juicers available in the market, and this guide will help you choose the perfect slow juicer that meets your specifications of a juicer.

Read to know about how a cold press juicer can make juice that can make your day better.

What Is A Cold Press Juicer?

Cold press masticating juicers are the current trending health products in the market. These juicers reduce food oxidation levels, which results in juices last longer and retain more of their natural ingredients.

Cold press juicers are commonly known as slow juicers because the gears present in the juicers slowly rotate and process more ingredients per revolution. The process is achieved through the press action of the juicing augers or gears. Slow juicers hold significant benefits, but the most significant advantages are dryer pulp, less form, and more juice.

Cold press masticating juicers last longer due to their durable parts and endure less tear and wear with their fast-spinning blades than centrifugal juicers. These few characteristics of cold press masticating juicers make them more expensive.

Types of Cold Press Juicer

  1. Vertical Masticating Juicer

Vertical masticating juicers are preferred among people as they are designed compactly and feasibly. The vertical masticating juicers are a perfect fit for kitchens as they come to avail in all shapes and sizes. The upright juicer comprises a cap, which enables the user to mix inside the juicing chamber. Another common feature of the vertical slow juicer is its self-cleaning system, making it easy to clean the juicer.

  1. Horizontal Masticating Juicer

Horizontal masticating juicers are the ideal juicers for juicing healthy green leafy vegetables as it comprises extra juicing functions. Several horizontal masticating juicers come with additional attachments that help the users in other operations like the making of nut butter, mincing, and pasta noodles.

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Benefits of Cold Press Juicer

Cold press masticating juicers apply gentle pressure, squeeze, and finally extract a fine mix of juice and pulp directly from the fruit or vegetable. Cold press masticating juicers retain all the essential nutrients as the process does not produce any heat, thus maintaining a high level of nutrients. The cold press vegetable and fruit juicer are quite efficient in processing the green leafy vegetables and pulps of fruits.

Some of the additional benefits of cold press masticating juicers are:

  • Long-Lasting Freshness: Cold press masticating juicers hold a shelf life of 21 days in the refrigerator.
  • Preservation of Nutrients: Cold press masticating juicers generate no heat, and as a result, these juicers preserve the original nutrients of the vegetables and fruits.
  • Easy-to-absorb Goodness: The cold-pressed masticating juicers are rich in easy-to-absorb proteins, vitamins, enzymes, and minerals.
  • No Oxidation: The raw ingredients’ oxidation process is prolonged, resulting in minimal exposure to air.
  • No High Temperatures: Raw juices are not pasteurized at high temperatures, and slow juicers mix at low temperatures to retain the nutrients.
  • Maximum Nutrition: Veggies and fruits juiced using the slow juicers comprise natural sugar, trace minerals, vitamins, enzymes, and other vital elements. These elements are extracted gently from the source.

A Buying Guide To Cold Press Juicers

Here are a few things to remember while purchasing a slow juicer-

  1. Power of the motor

Slow juicers have a significant and powerful motor with speed. The speed of a slow juicer is revolutions per minute which is a fraction of the speed of a centrifugal juicer. However, the cold press masticating juicers will operate at a steady and slow pace despite the number of rock-hard carrots. Cold press masticating juicers comprise a powerful torque produced by the motor.

  1. Weight and Footprint

Cold press masticating juicers do not take much space and weigh at least 15 pounds and a couple of square feet of the user’s countertop. Slow juicers take the space of a bowl or platter of prepared produce and come available in various dimensions.

  1. Noise Levels
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Masticating slow juice machines are quiet appliances, and many of the most popular cold press juicer operates between 60 decibels (dB).

  1. Durable Materials

The high price tag of the juicers determines the quality of the materials used in the slow juicers. Cold press masticating juicers are usually made of stainless steel or carbon-infused parts for precise operation. The auger of the juicers is made of polyetherimide plastic, which is a robust and durable material.

  1. Simplicity of Use:

Slow juicers are not overly complicated, but nearly all of them present you with a learning curve. The cleaning and maintenance are easy and also experimental while extracting the juice to your preference.

Cold press masticating juicers come equipped with fewer parts, and the simplicity extends to cleanup. The appliance is easy to disassemble and clean after each use.

  1. Vertical or Horizontal Cold Press Juicer

Cold press masticating juicers are designed in two configurations-

  • Vertical Juicers with a smaller footprint and gravity help pull the fruits and vegetables in a shorter juicing time period.
  • Horizontal Juicers may take up just a bit more space, and the appliance has been shifted by 90 degrees. Horizontal configuration holds a more significant advantage and allows versatile accessories to grind the coffee, make sorbet, process baby food, or even make pasta.
  1. Warranty:

Cold press masticating juicers hold a warranty coverage of up to 15 years as the juicers comprise a powerful electric motor and high-quality materials. The length of the warranty is an indication of the appliance’s quality and protection coverage.


There are excellent options available in the market when it comes to low-speed, cold press juices. Some features are highly significant, including the ability to hold a wide feed chute, high quality, and heavy-duty. This article is a guide that will help you pick the best cold press masticating juicer.