Google and other search engines are getting smarter by the minute. Their algorithms are actually improving as we speak! But, the question is — how does that affect your website and the traffic you want to generate? This article details on 10 Effective SEO Tips You Need To Know.

Well, to make your website the next hottest thing in town, you need to rely on SEO (search engine optimization). One of the main goals of SEO tactics is to position your website as close to the top of SERP (Search Engine Results Pages) as possible.

More than 61% of marketers agree that, in order to do so, you need to rely on improving your SEO and organic ranking, and the various SEO services they provide could be the key.

The usage of targeted keywords, link building, on- and off-page SEO, and many other strategies and techniques are what drives the organic search traffic. The data show that 67.6% of all clicks on the first page include the initial five results, so if you want success, there’s where you need to be.

The following are the top 10 most effective SEO tips that you need to be aware of. These can help you get the best ranking on search engines.

Freshen Up Your Old Content With New Info

Google’s algorithm takes into account over 200 factors when ranking websites, and the one thing it likes is fresh content — especially when we are talking about blog posts. The fresh content refers to not only the articles published for the first time but also updated and refreshed blog posts. So, if you have some old pieces that had a good run in the past, you can add some new content and images to them and increase the organic traffic by up to 106%, according to the data released by HubSpot.

Link Building Is Still a Major Player

Link building to authoritative sites with relevant content is crucial if you want Google to rank your website well. Backlinking to blogs and pages with high-quality content might be viewed by some as a way of leading the traffic away from your site, but that’s not the case. This ploy will not only lead to better rankings on Google, but it will also help readers find some quality pieces to read.

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According to Ahrefs, 91% of all pages don’t get any organic traffic because they don’t have quality backlinks, and more than half of all pages have no backlinks at all. Remember that you need to reach out to sites and blogs in order to get inbound links.

“Give, and you shall receive” is a phrase that works best in this context.

Write With Your Audience In Mind

A lot of bloggers and content writers are so focused on fitting all those keywords into the article that they forget their job is to create highly engaging and interesting content and not just write the material for the AI powering the search engines.

Actually, the AI is getting smarter and starting to “understand” the intention behind searches. It has begun focusing more on semantics and answering specific questions than just on the keywords. So, your page should provide answers in a way that will allow your audience to udenrstand them easily.

If you begin your optimization with your readers in mind, you will surely opt for the implementation of long-tail keywords. According to Ahrefs, almost 70% of all searches have four words or more — after all, when you consider the fact that people input the entire question into the search bar, it comes as no surprise. So, make sure your site has been optimized for this trend.

Master the On-Page SEO Basics

The on-page SEO tools give you the most control of how your page will rank. It all starts with a simple, SEO-friendly URL structure that clearly tells the users what your page is about. In the same vein, the meta title and descriptions should help the search engine determine the topic of your article.

The proper usage of headings and subheadings will give your content a great structure that the search engine also likes to see. Additionally, it will help readers navigate your website easily.

Have a Functioning and Fast Site

One of the most commonly overlooked things when talking about SEO is the functionality of the site. First of all, you want to have a website that loads quickly. According to the stats published by Strange Loop, even a one-second delay may lead to a 7% loss in conversions.

So, make sure that your site is clutter-free. You don’t need that many things on your sidebar, and the widgets you employ should be only the essential ones that will aid the users, not impede their navigation and experience.

Create Content for Featured Snippets

Featured snippets are the short answers to users’ queries that Google automatically displays at the top of the page. Almost all pages shown in the featured snippet are already on the first SERP, so if you want to get there, there are some things you need to do.

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For instance, you need to write headings that answer the featured snippets, such as “How to make pancakes?”. If your answers in the article are in the form of steps and tables and structured accordingly, the chances are your page will be featured in the snippet.

Write For Mobile Optimization

The SEMRush estimates that, by 2025, over 70% of all internet users will use their mobile devices to browse the net. This begs the question: is your website mobile-friendly?

If you want to stand a chance against the competition, you need to make your site responsive, adaptable to different sizes of mobile devices, and in accordance with the demands of internet users who consume their content on the go. This strategy will result in considerable changes in the website rankings.

Voice Search Optimization is the Future

Smart speakers are starting to flood the tech markets, and, according to, more than 55% of all households in the USA are expected to have a smart speaker by next year. That is why your website should be optimized to meet the newly-establishment requirements.

For example, a web page with an FAQ section packed with questions starting with wh-words and concise answers will boost the rankings when voice searching is concerned. Also, adequately chosen long-tail keywords in the content that focuses on the needs of smart-speaker users will prompt all those Alexas and Google Assistants to showcase the answers from your site first.

Use the Right Keywords for the Images on Your Site

Almost 30% of all queries on Google are bound to result in an image. This should come as no surprise, considering that more than half of millennials and younger generations are more likely to respond to a visual stimulus than any other.

But what do these users do to get to the images they need? They type in keywords. Therefore, the right usage of image names, alt-text, and captions can boost your website’s rank and lead to an increase in overall user engagement.

Web Analytics Tools Are a Must

There are multiple software solutions that can help you meet your optimization goals. These tools, such as Google Analytics and Crazy Egg, can tell you what is working and what is not. Furthermore, they can give you a glimpse of what the users are doing when they land on your page.

For example, heat maps provide a colorful presentation of where the users are clicking on your site, while scroll maps tell you how far the users scroll on your page.

With this type of data to work with, you can see where certains buttons on your site should be moved to, whether you should change their colors or not, and what else needs to be tweaked. All this is bound to lead to improved conversions.