In both men and women, baldness constitutes aesthetic and psychological torture. Fortunately, there is a reliable surgical technique for Hair Restoration Surgery that transfers the patient’s hair to the bald area, and it is called micrografting.

A hair transplant procedure provides results that look so natural that no one can tell whether you have undergone a procedure or not.

Today, Hair Transplant surgeons use different techniques to extract and transplant a large number of hair follicles (follicular units). There are two main techniques of hair transplantation currently in use. The FUE method (extraction of the follicular unit) and the FUT (strip technique). They mainly differ from the way hair follicles are extracted from the donor area.

Male and Female Hair Transplant Techniques:

Strip Method (FUT):

The FUT process involves the removal of a small strip of tissue from the back of the head, from where the donor of hair follicles will be extracted. The hair follicles are extracted from the strip by a qualified clinical team before being individually transplanted into the destination areas. The extracted hair will then be cut into several grafts. Note that each follicular unit normally has 1 to 3 hairs. Using a micro-needle, the surgeon implants the grafts in the bald region, making sure that the direction of the patient’s hair is respected. In most cases, and especially cases of advanced hair loss, FUT allows the physician to make full use of the scalp area to provide results consistent with the patient’s expectations. The FUT method usually allows the greatest number of grafts to be transplanted in a single session.

Some patients report higher levels of discomfort with FUT procedure as compared to FUE due to the potential swelling in the area where the tissue band was removed, but both methods have a very manageable recovery period and pain relievers are prescribed if necessary. Both these Male and Female Hair Transplant techniques are relatively straightforward. Hair transplant procedures are outpatient surgeries with some patients returning to work the very next day.

The FUT strip extraction method usually results in a very narrow linear scar on the back of the head. Since the scar is very thin, it is easily concealed by all haircut styles except the shortest. Over time, the scar will become less noticeable.

FUE Method:

In an FUE Eye Brows Hair Transplant, each follicular unit is taken individually directly from the scalp without the removal of a strip of tissue. Hair follicles are removed at random. Using a micro-needle, the surgeon implants the grafts in the bald region, making sure that the direction of the patient’s hair is respected. This is the main difference between FUE and FUT. Since the follicles are removed one at a time, fewer follicles can be harvested in a typical session, making FUE a better option for restoring hair in cases of smaller baldness. However, this new method of micro hair transplant FUE is constantly evolving. Some people who prefer the FUE method may have the option of splitting their procedure into two days to complete their transplant goals.

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Without scars and stitches, FUE procedures heal faster in comparison to the traditional FUT procedure.

The Intervention of Micro Hair Male and Female Transplant: 

Before moving on to the actual micrograft, the patient must perform a preoperative assessment, by the surgeon’s instructions.

The operation is performed under local anaesthesia, during which the patient will not feel any pain, even if he is still conscious. It takes place on an outpatient basis and does not require hospitalization. The patient will be able to leave the clinic the same day, after a few hours of monitoring and with the agreement of the surgeon.

The patient can be discharged the same day of his operation, without the need for a dressing for the FUE method and with a dressing for the FUT method for the scar.

The Procedure of a Micrograft:

The Operative Consequences After A Male and Female Hair Transplant:

In general, the operation is not very painful. The appearance of oedema and bruising after the operation is normal which decreases gradually depending on individual patients. Four to eight days of convalescence is recommended. However, if the swelling persists, consult the doctor immediately.

The healing takes place step by step, a small crust forms first on each graft. This falls off after 8 to 10 days. The transplanted hair then grows back slowly and the final result will only be appreciable after a period of 3 to 6 months.

Two days after the procedure, the patient can shampoo the head, preferably using a mild shampoo or the one prescribed by the doctor. However, it is advised to refrain from hard-core activities like sports and heavy exercises, as recovery takes time. Recovery phase starts from the 4th week after the procedure.

Possible Complications After A Hair Transplant:  

Like any cosmetic surgery, Hair Restoration Surgery too can cause complications (very rare for operations performed in centres approved by the Ministry of Health). But even though safety measures limit serious risks, they do not eliminate them.

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Infection: When the procedure is performed under optimal aseptic conditions, the risk of infection is very low or rare. However, there may be micro-abscesses, which manage to develop in the suture area. These micro-abscesses can be treated without major difficulty with simple local care.

Healing Abnormality: This kind of abnormality is rare in donor areas.

Epidermal Cysts: Cysts may appear on transplanted hair. They often disappear spontaneously, but if not, they can be removed by the physician without affecting the quality of the final result.

Insensitivity of The Donor Area: The insensitivity of the donor area only lasts a few weeks after the hair transplant procedure.

The Place of The Intervention for A Hair Transplant:

It is important to talk about intervention. Therefore, the hair transplant procedure must be performed in a surgical environment. There is no question of grafting hair as one “goes to the hairdresser”.

For these reasons, we consider that low-cost hair transplant centres are not suitable for optimal care.

Who Can Perform Hair Transplants?

Hair Restoration Surgery is part of aesthetic plastic surgery and are therefore only performed by professional doctors who specialize in inappropriate methods. The field is also called hair surgeon. A hair transplant at the hairdressers is therefore not possible. If you are unsure about where to have your hair transplant, it is advisable to arrange consultations with several providers. Get detailed information about the various methods and ask for a cost estimate.

Hair Transplant: What Is Possible?

First of all: Anyone who visits a hair transplant institute with thinning hair will not leave it with a whale mane, even after several Eye Brows Hair Transplant treatments. However, the methods are now so mature and can be individually tailored to the respective case that it is entirely possible to remove bald spots, “fill in” receding hairlines and move the hairline forward again. And for the question is it safe to go for Hair Restoration Surgery to cure receding hairlines or baldness? It is an astounding yes, however, you should get the procedure done by an expert just like the UK Hair Transplant Clinics. They are registered and regulated with the Government’s Care Quality Commission (CQC) and offer unique treatment guarantee.