Today’s vast wealth of data has created an odd paradox: while people are drowning in information, they are still starving for knowledge. It’s difficult to keep up with the internet’s daily production of billions of articles. Is there a way to absorb information more efficiently in this scenario without increasing reading time? Text summarisation tools or summarising tools may be beneficial in this regard. By establishing key points in the document, these automated tools assist users in making sense of large volumes of text-based information. Additionally, the algorithm in some of these tools enables users to spend their time more productively by proofreading these summaries.

What is a summarising tool?

Summarising Tool is an artificial intelligence-based tool that condenses lengthy text into a manageable length. Typically, the summarised text contains key sentences that provide an overview of the entire context. With a single click, the summarising tool can condense the three to four paragraphs into a single paragraph.

Features of summarising tools

The summarising tools come with certain features as listed below:

  1. Set summarisation percent: With most conclusion generators, you get the option to set a summarisation percentage that further customises your write-up.
  2. Show in bullets: Some tools have a button below that can assist you in getting the format based on your preferences. While summarising the content, hitting this button will make your result in the bullets.
  3. Show ranking wise: This feature enables you to make a sequence in your write-up based on the ranking. The sentence will get more ranking score if it’s optimised.
  4. Highlight the best sentence: Some tools have the best sentence feature that can tell you the sentence with the highest score according to algorithms.

Top 5 summarising tools in 2022

There are numerous summarising tools that offer variations of this primary section. However, the best ones are on this list:

  1. Summarize Bot: This AI- and blockchain-powered conclusion generator tool online enables users to learn more with less reading by summarising lengthy texts. This includes complete Wikipedia articles, white papers, web pages, as well as audio and video. It assists users in saving time while conducting research by compressing text. Along with summary generation, it condenses news, extracts keywords from text, and allows users to customise the length of their summary.

How does it work?

Users simply need to share the data via Facebook Messenger or Slack to receive the results in a matter of seconds. Additionally, Summarize Bot will soon add new features for users, including chat summaries, video summaries, and multi-document summaries.

  1. Resoomer: This tool generates accurate text summaries, allowing you to quickly scan documents for key topics, identify key facts and ideas, and interpret articles. Users can get lengthy articles summarised in just 500 words by simply downloading the extension for their browsers or by copying and pasting the text they wish to summarise here.
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How does it work?

Anyone can use this text tool, including students and professors to quickly interpret texts. It can also be used by journalists to summarise major events and filter information from press releases.

  1. SMMRY: SMMRY is an essay conclusion generator that is programmed to condense an article in TXT or PDF format to its most important sentences in less than 7 seconds. It does this by removing transition phrases, superfluous clauses, and excessive examples to provide users with a topic-focused summary.

How does it work?

Reddit’s AutoTLDR bot utilises SMMRY to generate short summaries of lengthy Reddit submissions by following the list of prescribed rules mentioned previously.

  1. TextSummarization: This online platform summarises web pages in an easy-to-understand format. Additionally, there is an advantage in that it enables users to customise the number of sentences in the summary.

How does it work?

Simply type the article’s URL into this field, or copy and paste the text. It summarises several programming languages,, PHP, Java, and Python.

  1. Text Compactor: The Text Compactor includes a language translator. it generates text summaries and allows for the creation of multiple versions of these summaries via the ‘summarisation ratio’.

How does it work?

All that users need to do is to paste the text here and drag the slider to the desired reduction percentage. That is, they can alter the percentage from 5% to 80% and thus control the density of the paraphrasing. Additionally, this slider is programmed to handle file names and numbers correctly when generating this text.

Uses of a text summariser

Though the uses of text summarisers aren’t specific but still, here are some of the common uses:

  1. Students: Throughout their educational careers, students are frequently required to locate a summary of various assignments. This tool can assist them in creating the best possible summary and completing their assignments on time.
  2. Teachers: When teachers create teaching materials, they typically conduct extensive research but must keep it concise. If they begin creating it manually, there is a possibility that the accuracy will suffer and it will take an inordinate amount of time to write and then proofread. This is where the tool can help, as it only takes a few moments to generate a quick overview of the content.
  3. Journalists: In journalism, professionals typically concentrate on creating headlines that can explain the entire story. However, they can easily generate the summarised text and submit it for publication using this summariser. This enables the entire event to be summarised in a few paragraphs.
  4. Editors: Editors typically bear a great deal of responsibility for reviewing articles and comprehending the stories. They can do this by pasting lengthy stories into this online text summariser to determine the story’s true theme. This would increase their productivity because they would quickly grasp the meaning of the articles.
  5. Writers: Whether writing for a blog or for the purpose of selling guest posts, writers are typically required to include a conclusion at the conclusion of the article. They can accomplish this by utilising the summariser tool to generate friendly content that is simply an overview and can be read quickly.
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Rules for summarising

Whether you are summarising manually or through the use of a tool, the following rules should apply:

  1. When summarising, ensure that you cover all pertinent points in their actual context in order to maintain the writer’s concept.
  2. Your summary should be succinct, containing only the most informative concepts. Leave out non-essential passages from your summary.
  3. The summary can serve as a representation of the author’s thoughts. The initial concept should not be incorrect.
  4. Make no more than one repetition of any point. Additionally, you should not add your points.
  5. Combine the concepts from the original content while ensuring that they are consistent with the other sentences.
  6. In summary, you should use the category’s terms rather than the object’s.

Difference between paraphrasing and summarising

There is a fine line of difference between paraphrasing and summarising, but unfortunately, most students don’t get that distinction. So, let’s explore the difference between these two aspects:

  1. Paraphrasing: Paraphrasing is the process of converting the context of the source material into your own words while maintaining the original meaning of the content. The amount of material in the repurposed content is nearly identical to the amount in the original content.
  2. Summarising: The Summary is a condensed version of the lengthy passage in your own words, containing only the most salient points. The Summary is significantly shorter than the original passage and contains sufficient information to explain the entire passage in a few sentences.

The takeaway

Now that you know summarising tools make the tasks easier for students, the time has arrived for their proper implementation. If you don’t know how to use the same, these tools won’t be of any help. Whatever it is, you should learn the basics of summarising to extract the maximum benefit from these tools.

Author Bio

Henry Tesfaye is a reputed subject matter expert in economics and is currently associated with Liverpool University. His write-ups for are immensely productive for both brilliant and average learners. His passions include travelling, photography, hiking, and boating.