VR, also known as Virtual Reality, is an emerging technology that has expanded at a phenomenal rate in the last year or two. In all honesty, one can also say that VR technology is on the verge of exploding in the industry, especially in the mobile app development sector.

The wave of the virtual reality trend is also responsible for the high demand for the VR (Virtual applications). This further makes it one of the reasons why  Virtual Reality (VR) mobile app development companies are currently in the limelight.  

Now, let’s get back to the question ‘is virtual reality adding value to the mobile app development process‘. Well, the answer to this question is yes but in order to explain the significance of the VR technology, we have to also go through some of the major benefits provided by this advanced technology.

Reasons To Include VR In Your Mobile App Development Process

As more and more mobile application development companies are realizing the extended scope and various opportunities in the field of virtual reality, brands are also integrating VR in their operations.

Here are some of the major benefits offered by virtual reality technology when it comes to the process of developing a mobile application:

  1. User Experience

The first and foremost thing that comes to mind when we talk about virtual reality or any VR application is the amazing user experience it provides to its end-users on the go. And the best part is that this user experience is customized as per the user’s preferences and other factors like location.

A great example of this can be seen in virtual reality apps that are being built by industry verticals like travel & tourism, retail & e-commerce and many more.

  1. Productivity

It’s 2019 and mobile applications that feature emerging technologies like augmented reality, artificial intelligence, virtual reality, and machine learning are a new trend in the market.

And there’s no denying the fact that virtual reality applications are leaving a major impact on many businesses. For example, Pokemon Go changes the game for the mobile gaming industry with its VR app.

  1. Learning Experience
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With the help of virtual reality technology, app developers are bringing forward a new way of learning which provides a more interactive and fun way of learning. Due to this, users are also able to enhance their experience in a technical field like mobile app development.

Here, the purpose of the majority of application development companies is to offer a learning experience to the end-users through the means of VR apps that are enjoyable and informative at the same time.  

  1. Hassle Free Procedure

Another major advantage that virtual reality app development provides is a hassle-free process i.e. the operating procedures are smooth in nature. Developers and programmers opt for VR app development for building applications for VR devices or smartphones that support virtual reality technology.

App developers need to make sure that there is no animation lagging or unnecessary cropping experienced by the app users in their virtual reality application. Apart from this, a special focus on testing should also be given for eliminating various types of buys.

  1. Tracking

In addition to all the points discussed above, VR mobile applications are also built for the purpose of keeping track of the positions displayed in the screens of mobile devices.

This is one of the reasons why most of them have various sensors included in them so that relevant data can be obtained regarding the position of the device as well. A few examples of these tracking sensors in VR apps are accelerometers, gyroscopes and many more.

With that being said, now let’s take a look at some of the best VR applications that are available on the market for you to try out.

Best VR Apps To Try Out In 2019

Here are some of the top-notch virtual reality applications that you should definitely check out this year:

  1. Orbulus
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Orbulus is a virtual reality application for Cardboard VR which can also be referred to as one of the most convincing VR mobile apps that is available in the Google Play Store. This mobile application provides the user with a new perspective on places that exist in the real-world which they mainly can’t visit in person.

The picture gallery of this VR app is full of images that are created with the help of Photo Sphere technology by Google itself. In this image gallery, you will find a lot of pictures of various tourist attractions from all around the globe.

  1. Cardboard Camera

Google’s Cardboard Camera is another virtual reality app that is gaining a lot of popularity these days. People usually go for this VR app when they want to click pictures in virtual reality or want their images to be viewed at 360 degrees.

In other words, it is a fun VR mobile app that you need to try out to click your next holiday pictures, to add a twist of VR in your images.

  1. YouTube

Last but not least, we have YouTube on this list of top virtual reality apps. Just like other emerging technologies, YouTube also adopted the technology of VR and is now offering several services related to virtual technology to its users.

As it is currently one of the largest video sharing platforms available, the total percentage of 360 degree and VR-related videos have also increased many folds.

So these were the top three VR mobile applications that you need to try out in 2019 for sure. Also, if you are someone who is interested in building their own virtual reality app then our advice would be to look for a VR mobile app development company that holds experience in this field and has also done some major projects regarding the same.

Technologies like Virtual Reality and Augmented Reality are the ones that will be shining bright in the next couple of years.