Gone were the days when driving to restaurants was the only option for food lovers. The tech-driven era has changed the way we enjoy our favorite cuisines by the development of a food delivery app. You don’t have to wait to get your favorite meal delivered at your place or book the table now; you can get it done with a few clicks of the button. Meal ordering and delivery app make it easier for you to order and get your favorite meal delivered at your place at your fingertips.

The number of apps on the different platforms is increasing drastically; the Apple app store alone has around 3.42 million non-gaming apps available. As of June 2017, 180 billion apps had been downloaded from the Apple App Store. (Source)

The mobile app provides us with the convenience of having your favorite meal delivered right at your doorsteps without any hassle. The growing use of meal delivery and ordering platforms has given a drastic rise to mobile app development and has opened vast opportunities for app development companies.

The food delivery app development is continuously evolving, technological advancement, growing demand, and other notable factors significantly affect it. Keep on reading to know which mobile app trends and features you need to consider while developing mobility solutions for your delivery business.

Top Food Delivery App Development Trends & Features to Consider for Your Mobility Solution!

The food delivery app development is evolving speedily, and if you want to thrive and service in the digital market, you need to get invested in changing development trends. Meal delivery app is transforming and a key to digital media success; it’s changing business & operating models and marketplaces at a surprising rate.

In 2018, global app revenues were around 365 billion U.S. dollars, while it’s forecasted that it will generate more than 935 billion U.S. dollars by the end of 2021 through in-app advertising and paid downloads as well. However, Gartner’s report says that more than 0.01% of consumer apps will achieve financial success while the rest will be failing to grab users’ attention.

Top Food Delivery App Development Trends & Features to Consider for Your Mobility Solution

Like any other field, the meal delivery sector is experiencing evolution due to technological advancements such as artificial intelligence (AI), virtual reality (VR), big data analytics, etc. There are many upcoming trends that you need to consider to achieve success in your delivery sector.

Setting up to date with the modern trend is crucial for achieving success in your food delivery space. Hence it becomes vital for you to continuously research patterns and interact with tech experts to gain an edge over the competition. Check top food delivery app development trends right away to know which is the best suited for your business and dominates in 2021.



Face recognition and portrait making have become standard these days. And this has just become possible due to the latest technology such as AI & ML. Many successful platforms such as Snapchat and Instagram have even started implementing the technology to enhance their customer experience. Automatic filters are the best example. Today machines are cable enough to recognize images and language, hence considering integrating technology such as AI & ML in your app is the best option.

AI-based apps vary depending on the context you choose. You can integrate various features in an AI-based app, including speech & face recognition, smart assistant, and much more, right away. Some of the most common AI-based mobility platforms included Siri, Invoke smart speaker, Google Assistance, Microsoft Band, Amazon Alexa, and many more.

You can also use AI to develop an online food delivery system for restaurants as it provides you with endless opportunities that haven’t been imagined before. Modern technology also makes it easier for you to analyze upcoming failures and prepare for the future as well. Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning are undoubtedly one of the hottest trends which need to be considered today.

Internet of Things (IoT)

Internet of Things has raised mobile penetration across a range of categories and business sectors, including the delivery sector. Most people are using modern technology and IoT-connected devices that improve their lives and make their lives easier. The report shows that there will be about 75 billion Internet of Things (IoT) connected devices by 2025. It indicates that the world is accustomed to using IoT-based devices to make their lives easier and more comfortable than ever before.

A smart house is a perfect example of the rise of the internet of things (IoT). Mobile apps can be used to manage everything right away from any of the locations. It helps you “On” “Off” your household appliances such as smart AC, refrigerator, etc., with ease. The global IoT managed service market is predicted to grow from $21.85 billion to $79.60 billion between 2016 and 2021. Simultaneously, there was 29.5% of the compound annual growth rate during the same period.


Beacons can not be considered a modern innovation, it’s used by most various sectors, including restaurants, eateries, healthcare, etc., in some or other manner. Ordinary users have become quite familiar with modern trends as beacons have more capabilities than our imagination.

Combo of Internet of things and beacons can help users with essential information regarding sales and other things related to their niche. Explore some of the beacon trends right away:

  • Online payments
  • AI-based chips
  • Increasing use of machine learning
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Statista report shows that the global market value of Beacons technology has increased drastically during 2016 and 2026. The beacons market was valued at 519.6 million U.S. dollars in 20016. It is estimated to improve and reach around 56.6 billion U.S. dollars and is estimated to grow at a 59.8% CAGR by 2026. Hence it’s beneficial for you to integrate Beacon technology within your delivery app.

Wearable Technology

Wearable Technology

The use of wearable devices and technology is increasing drastically. Most of us are familiar with smart trackers, watches, fitness bands, etc. But the technology has not reached its true potential till now. Statista report shows that the number of connected devices has doubled in the last three years. It has increased from 325 million to 722 million during 2016 and 2019. The number of wearable technology is estimated to jump high and reach one billion by 2022.

Apple has integrated wearable technology with WWDC to build a fantastic watch, which brought the Apple App Store to Apple Watch. Wearable technology is used to develop numerous apps these days, making our life much more comfortable and convenient than ever before. Therefore it’s an advisable and smart option to use wearable technology to craft a fantastic solution to make your managing and other tasks much easier and faster than ever before.

Cloud Approach

You can consider these approaches to effectively manage food lovers’ data. Hybrid cloud computing is the best selection especially when it comes to storing all essential data. It makes it easier for you to secure and save your data from all threats and other issues.

Cloud service market turnover was valued to reach around 148 billion in 2018; this figure is estimated to jump high and reach about 172.1 billion U.S. dollars by the end of 2021. The cloud service category includes hosting, storage, security, and many other services related to the cloud approach. (Source)

5G Technology

Eateries can consider using 5G technology to enhance user experience and provide them with the best result whenever they desire. Whereas this technology has a significant impact on meal delivery app development trends as well. eMarketer report shows that 5G connection is increasing with each passing day. When comparing the data of 2019 and 2020, it was measured that the number of connected devices in 2020 was 3.5 times more compared to 2019.

5G Technology

Ending Note

Undoubtedly the food delivery app development market is growing continuously. If you are developing the mobility solution considering concepts of two-three years back, then it’s sure that your app will fail to grab users’ attention. If you want to capture users’ attention and make new users download your meal delivery app, it becomes essential for you to develop it considering modern-day trends.

Consider including all essential features such as contactless delivery, menu filter, quick search, and many more. Integrating modern technology and advanced features in your food delivery and tracking app ensures to drive more sales and profit for your delivery business.