Installing fence panels can be a real time saver. These prefabricated in a variety of styles and colours and are available in wood, vinyl composite or metal panels typically come in either six or eight Goodwill’s, and in this blog we’re going to install a traditional install on your mantle wood fence using Brackets. our fence will be installed on a relatively flat ground but if your terrain has slope, installed panels using the step down approach, each panel will be level as it is installed, and the sexist step down according to the slope. If you choose you can secure the panels directly to the front edge of a post on centre using either galvanised nails or screws- a Panel Fence.

 If you consider yourself handy, this project will take about eight to 10 hours not counting 

drying time from the cement used to set the post. Of course Much will depend on 

the length of the fence you’re installing.

Check Local Codes & Ordinances

 Remember before you begin any fencing project, you should check local codes and ordinances and call 811 that any various utilities.Good luck with your fencing project and thanks to shopping at the Home Depot. 

Plan The Fence 

Create a Panel Fence At Home By Yourself

Begin by driving stakes into the ground where you plan to set the two end posts. Tie Mason’s line around each steak and pull the line taut. Attach a line level to the string and adjust the line as needed until it’s level.This Masons line will be a guide for the bottom of the fence panel so be sure to level it two to three inches off the ground to prevent wood rot. Determine the distance between the line posts needed for your particular panels and mark the locations with either tape or a marker.

Then mark the post locations on the ground using spray paint or chalk.If your fence will have corners tile line to the corner post and unfurl it along the plant adjacent fence line.Check that the angle is 90 degrees using the 345 rule.Measure and mark one line three feet from the corner.Then measure and mark the adjacent line four feet from the corner.The lines are square if the distance between the two marked spots is five feet.If the angle isn’t square, adjust one of the lines until it is.

Set end of the post
Create a Panel Fence At Home By Yourself

 when digging the holes for posts. always dig them three times the width of the post and to a depth 1/3 to one half the posts length when sending wood posts, it’s best to dig down in additional six inches to allow for gravel backfill. This gravel will help drain water away from the base of the post which will help prevent rotting. Always use pressure treated pine Redwood or cedar posts because the rot resistant the first end post will serve as an anchor for the rest of the 

fence line so setting level and plumb is critical.- a Panel Fence

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Once the post is plumb support it with temporary braces and posts gate posts and corner posts must be set in concrete. To stand up to wind effects. The line posts should be set in concrete as well. Mix the concrete according to the manufacturer’s instructions and stir it with a piece of scrap wood as you pour it into the hole. This will help eliminate air bubbles which can weaken the concrete when it’s dry. 

Secure fasteners to the post- a Panel Fence

Create a Panel Fence At Home By Yourself

fence panels can be fastened to posts in one of two ways. They can be secured on centre to the face of the posts using nails or screws, or they can be attached to the inside edge of the posts using fasteners. If you choose the more popular fastener approach, measure the distance from the bottom of the fence installation panel to the lower rail than the distance for the next two rails. measure 

up from the Masons line and mark the same measurements onto the inside edge of the corner post.

These lines mark where the bottoms of the fastener should be installed. If you wish to have the panel flush with the neighbours side of the posts, recess the fasteners, the thickness of the pickets. If you plan on attaching a trim board along the top of the pickets and flush with the posts, you’ll need to account for the thickness of this board. Also, fence etiquette calls for the rail side to face the builder’s property leaving the picket side to face your neighbour.

Secure the brackets to the posts at the marked locations using galvanised nails. Then flatten the bottom flanges on the upper brackets.

Install the first panel

Create a Panel Fence At Home By Yourself

Place the first line post in the ground and temporarily brace it. Mark the same fastener measurements you used for the corner post onto this first line post. Attach the fasteners to this first line post and hammer down the flanges on the two upper brackets until they’re flat.The panel can then be slipped into the upper fasteners and rest on the bottom flange of the lower fasteners. The panel should fit the post snugly.

Adjust the panel until it’s level and plump, and then secure the panel with screws driven through the outside of all the brackets.By levelling the panel and making it plumb. You will also be ensuring the two posts are level and plumb.Unlike installing component fences, you should hold off backfilling and setting the posts until all the panel sections are in place. This will allow you to make any small adjustments needed when installing the remaining panels.

Install the remaining panels

Continue installing panels in the same manner down the fence line. Check that each new post is level plumb and brace it.

Be sure to line each post up against the Masons line to ensure the fence line is straight. It’s important to measure the distance between rails on each panel as you instal them. These measurements may vary slightly between panels. When all the fence sections have been installed, it’s time to set the posts. Set the end posts and any gate posts and concrete. When installing a fence with high wind resistance, the line posts should be set in concrete as well.

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Cut the posts

Once the concrete is hardened, mark one and post to the desired height using a nail tie Masons line around the nail and stretch the line taut to the other end post and level the line.Mark the post and tap a nail into this end post.

If you’re installing a long line of fence, work on no more than three or four posts at a time. Stretching it farther than that can cause sagging in the line. Mark each post where the line hits it. Each post can now be trimmed to this height using a circular saw. Clamp a carpenter’s square to each post to help guide your saw along the marked line. Most circular saws won’t cut through the thickness of the four by four posts in one pass. You’ll need to clamp the square to the other side of the post to cut through it once again. And remove the excess post.

Install top & post caps

When all the fence sections have been completed, you could stop here and enjoy your new dog eared fence or you can continue on and add decorative touches to the top of the fence.

For your fence, i’ll recommend you to add a facial board top cap and post caps. The facial board will consist of a one by four position over the tops of the pickets this facia board should be flush with the top of the picket line. Toenail the board into the posts and drive screws through the outside of the 

board into the pickets. Be sure not to use screws that are too long. This facia board should also be flush with the front of the posts. A one by six plank can then be attached to the top of the pickets and facia board using screws. This will result in a two inch overhang. Lastly, attach post caps with small screws or nails to help preserve the posts and add a decorative touch. These caps come in a variety of materials and designs and offer many options including caps with solar powered lights. If you’re ready to take on this project, here are the tools and materials you’ll need to complete the job.

Maintaining the fence

When properly maintained wood fences can last for many years to help prolong the life of your fence. It should be cleaned and sealed periodically. Before applying a protective sealant. Clean the fence with a product that kills mildew as well as remove stains.

Once dry, apply a high quality protective sealant according to the manufacturer’s instructions and be sure to coat all exposed surfaces